Wednesday 18 May 2016



So after considering all the merits and demerits of the three possible solutions, the most effective solution according to me and which does not have many and much severe demerits is solution/concept #2 i.e.

Special fitness centres or separate section in existing centres for obese people”.

Stake holder analysis


I have seen miraculous examples of people becoming healthy and losing weight by playing sports. So if there could be some small-scaled or city level sports events where only overweight and obese people participate, so it would be helpful.

I researched a lot and found out that around 46% of Indians who join gyms or fitness clubs discontinue them within couple of months after joining them.

What are the possible reasons?

I researched a lot and found out that around 46% of Indians who join gyms or fitness clubs discontinue them within couple of months after joining them.
What are the possible reasons?
Now my triggers were:-
1) Loss of interest
2) Lack of motivation
These 2 factors can overshadow other reasons and can hence make them go work out.
-      Because most of the times obese people during work out feel demotivated seeing people who already are fit working out for some other reasons like abs or something
-      They won’t be comfortable and feel awkward surrounded by fit people
-      Most fitness centres don’t have enough or enough experienced trainers so it’s difficult for them to concentrate on each individual with different purposes of coming there. Some just want body in shape, some want cardiac, some want to reduce weight, and some want to gain etc.

Many good companies like Facebook, Google, YouTube, and Twitter have very interactive, distinctive and non-sedentary workplaces. They are so interesting that people themselves don’t want to sit on a single place for 8.1 hrs. They move, they play, they slide, they jump and they work. Hence these places have very less chances of a person become obese or over weight from normal and have very high chances that an obese or over weight person becomes normal and healthy and fit.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Design Criteria

I tried finding answers to these questions through “latter research.
So according to study, the average Indian job working hours per day 8.1 hrs.
Now here’s the answers to first two questions,
1) By making them go through some amount of physical activity in their day.
2) There are 3 possible available slots:-
    a) Before job
    b) During job time
    c) After job
Now before job and after job time slots can be utilized by going to a fitness centre (I’ll be talking about this later)
What can be done during the job hours so that the motive of physical activity?
So here are some possible solutions to these slots which are interlinked to each other.

Specific Problem Statement

Data Analysis

So here’s the problem assessment matrix

So, by this data it comes out that sedentary lifestyle and junk food are major issues.
And I am focusing more on sedentary lifestyle because that’s the second most important cause after heredity.
According to matrix data and conclusions, sedentary lifestyle is associated a lot with two factors
1) Age
2) Type of occupation
How age is related to letharginess?
Today a large mass of children and teenagers are getting obese because of their sedentary lifestyle without any sports or any physical activity. And being surrounded by new techies, gadgets like smart phones, video games, pc games surfing and all, they prefer indoor activities more than outdoor ones. Secondly these guys are consuming a lot of food or to be precise junk food that is giving them such deadly disease so early.
How type of occupation is related to letharginess?
People who have field jobs or jobs that are not to be performed sitting at one place have rare chances of being obese. Like civil engineers, travel photographers etc.
Since my colleague was already working on age factor so I decide to work on the second option.
So it’s time for a “specific problem statement”

Field Research

For field research, I did a survey by providing a set of these simple questions and following that are the replies.

1) Are you lethargic?       Y/N                                                       (8-Y, 2-N)

2) Do you have any of the following health issues?
    Diabetes                                                                                 (1-Y, 9-N)
    Thyroid                                                                                  (0-Y, 10-N)
    Over sweating                                                                         (3-Y, 7-N)
    BP issues                                                                                (2-Y, 8-N)
    Heart problems                                                                      (0-N, 10-N)
    Back problems                                                                         (3-Y, 7-N)

3) Do you have high appetite?                                                       (3-Y, 7-N)

4) Were you a mockery stock back in school/now in college?          (6-Y, 4-N)

5) Have you ever been too concerned about your physique?            (8-Y, 2N)

6) Were you ever discriminated on grounds of physique or appearance?      (7-Y, 3-N)

7) Do you eat junk food or fast food a lot?                                                (7-Y, 3-N)

8) Are your parents or someone in your family obese?                               (8-Y, 2N)

9) Do you go to gym or do any kind of exercises?                                      (7-Y, 3-N)
(But here they all discontinued except one person. Reasons were work load, depends on mood, lack of time, gym trainer not good, gym machines not good)
10) Are you happy like this or you want to change your physique?               (5-Y, 5-N)  
1) So clearly the major causes of obesity are sedentary lifestyle/being lethargic, heredity and eating a lot junk food.
2) Most people discontinue gym or fitness clubs soon after joining.
3) A large mass of people are discriminated on basis of their appearance.

Desk Research

Reasons causing obesity


Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in India in the 21st century, with morbid obesity affecting 5% of the country's population.
This is a list of the states of India ranked in order of percentage of people who are overweight or obese, based on data from the 2007 National Family Health Survey, converted to a graph.

India has the third-highest number of obese and overweight people (11 % of adolescents, and 20 % of all adults) after US and China, a recent study mapping global malnutrition trends has revealed.

The Malnutrition Mapping Project launched by the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) in partnership with Amway has also found that half of pregnant women and 74% of children under the age of five are anaemic.

According to the study, a total of 56 per 1000 children die before their 5th birthday, and 47.9 % of children under the age of five are stunted. 

Mind Mapping

By mapping or categorizing we group particular set of words that are interlinked to each other. Down here is the categorization I did.

Identifying the work area.
So all the things are related to each other. If people won’t mock about obese guys and live with them in harmony then the obese guys won’t feel embarrassed or depressed, backward and negative about their personality. Similarly if an obese manages to become fit and healthy then all those limitations and societal reactions would come to an end.

So, here working for comforts of obese people would be a negative thing because that would be promoting obesity. Hence I decide to work upon eradicating obesity and making people healthy and fit.

Brain Mapping

Basically brainstorming is putting up your thoughts (whatever that comes to your brain when you think of a thing) into one place. These thoughts or words can be directly or indirectly related to your topic. They can be very basic or very complex. It’s just like a spider web.
So here’s my brainstorming for obesity.

General Problem Statement

Sunday 15 May 2016

Problem Background


Before getting onto this topic, I thought of various topics and eventually landed on this because I feel that this obese community is not well understood and is treated poorly in our society. They already face a lot of health issues and to the top of that they have to bear all the societal reactions. They live with that sadness and inferiority complex inside. I noticed this thing a lot in the school as well as every place I went. So I thought of making an attempt to make their lives better.

Saturday 14 May 2016




“Design process is a methodology (design thinking) of discovering, understanding, exploring, analyzing, and working a problem to find a solution or a better solution to a pre-existing problem in a way that is creative, productive, aesthetically pleasing and technologically feasible in terms of all the standards”.

Why Do I Need a Design Process? 
A design process is absolutely necessary for every project you work on. Here are three very important reasons why:

1 – It Sets Clear Expectations
When you share what the design process looks like with your client, it allows you to establish realistic project deliverables and deadlines together. Your client will know exactly what to expect from you and when to expect it, eliminating needless miscommunication later.

2 – It Puts Clients at Ease
Many clients begin working with us unaware of everything it takes to transform a good idea into a great final product. With a clear and concise design process in place, you can show your client exactly where their money is going during the design phase of their project.

3 – It Decreases Risk of Failure
All aspects of a product’s design need consideration and a good design process accounts for everything. Sure, you can create a great-looking product with visual design alone, but if there’s no thought behind its usability or no research behind it, you increase the risk that your product will fail.

The simplest problem solving process follows steps like

    1)    Define the problem (what is the problem and why is it happening?)
    2)  Develop a plan (what are we going to do?)
    3)  Implement the plan (carry out the intervention)
    4)  Evaluate (did our plan work out?)

Now this this problem solving process is magnified depending upon person to person.