Tuesday 17 May 2016

Field Research

For field research, I did a survey by providing a set of these simple questions and following that are the replies.

1) Are you lethargic?       Y/N                                                       (8-Y, 2-N)

2) Do you have any of the following health issues?
    Diabetes                                                                                 (1-Y, 9-N)
    Thyroid                                                                                  (0-Y, 10-N)
    Over sweating                                                                         (3-Y, 7-N)
    BP issues                                                                                (2-Y, 8-N)
    Heart problems                                                                      (0-N, 10-N)
    Back problems                                                                         (3-Y, 7-N)

3) Do you have high appetite?                                                       (3-Y, 7-N)

4) Were you a mockery stock back in school/now in college?          (6-Y, 4-N)

5) Have you ever been too concerned about your physique?            (8-Y, 2N)

6) Were you ever discriminated on grounds of physique or appearance?      (7-Y, 3-N)

7) Do you eat junk food or fast food a lot?                                                (7-Y, 3-N)

8) Are your parents or someone in your family obese?                               (8-Y, 2N)

9) Do you go to gym or do any kind of exercises?                                      (7-Y, 3-N)
(But here they all discontinued except one person. Reasons were work load, depends on mood, lack of time, gym trainer not good, gym machines not good)
10) Are you happy like this or you want to change your physique?               (5-Y, 5-N)  
1) So clearly the major causes of obesity are sedentary lifestyle/being lethargic, heredity and eating a lot junk food.
2) Most people discontinue gym or fitness clubs soon after joining.
3) A large mass of people are discriminated on basis of their appearance.

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