So here’s the problem assessment matrix
So, by this data it comes out that sedentary
lifestyle and junk food are major issues.
And I am focusing more on sedentary lifestyle
because that’s the second most important cause after heredity.
According to matrix data and conclusions,
sedentary lifestyle is associated a lot with two factors
1) Age
2) Type of occupation
How age is related to letharginess?
Today a large mass of children and teenagers
are getting obese because of their sedentary lifestyle without any sports or
any physical activity. And being surrounded by new techies, gadgets like smart
phones, video games, pc games surfing and all, they prefer indoor activities
more than outdoor ones. Secondly these guys are consuming a lot of food or to
be precise junk food that is giving them such deadly disease so early.
How type of occupation is related to letharginess?
People who have field jobs or jobs that are
not to be performed sitting at one place have rare chances of being obese. Like
civil engineers, travel photographers etc.
Since my colleague was already working on age
factor so I decide to work on the second option.
So it’s time for a “specific
problem statement”
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